
Logic and Game Theory

Kellog School of Management

Course website

Introduction to games in logic: (1) The semantic game in predicative, first order and IF logic. (2) The separation game in first order logic. (3). The model existence game in first order logic: Slides

On falsiability and empirical content: a discussion based on Chambers, Echenique and Shmaya (2013): The Axiomatic Structure of Empirical Content: Slides

Research topics: (1) A formalization of the problem of identification in General Equilibrium (2) The logic of rational play: Slides


Lecture Notes on Games and Logic. Tulemheimo, T (2007). Department of Philosophy, University of Helsinki.

Models and Games.  Vaananen, J (2011). Cambridge University Press.

Independence Friendly Logic: A Game Theoretic Approach. Mann, A., Sandu, G., Sevenster, M. 2011. Cambridge University Press.

Equilibrium semantics of languages of imperfect information. Sandu, G., Sevenster, M. 2010. Annals of Pure and Applied Logic.

Chambers, Echenique and Shmaya (2013): The Axiomatic Structure of Empirical Content.

Macroeconometría Bayesiana

Banco Central de Guatemala

  1. Teoría de la Decisión.pdf
  2. Mecánica Bayesiana.pdf
  3. Métodos Computacionales.pdf
  4. Series de Tiempo.pdf
  5. Métodos Bayesianos en Macroeconomía.pdf

Cuantificación y Gestión de Riesgos en el Mercado de Futuros de Energía

Derivex, Vatia

  1. Pronosticos Precio
  2. Curva Forward
  3. Mercados incompletos
  4. Black Litterman